2010-10-15 - Camera Mount for Night Sky Photography

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The camera mount sits on top of a tripod. It has two horizontal base plates that are joined by a pivot and two adjustment screws for X-Y adjustment of the alignment towards the North Star. On top of the upper base plate there is a board mounted at an angle approximately corresponding to the angle towars the North Star at my location on the globe. The board is connected to another board via a hinge that one aligns towards the North Star using the adjustment screws. A scope aligned with the hinge helps improving the precision. A stepper motor controlled by the electronics in the box on the tripod leg turns a screw that pushes the upper board in such a way that it rotates to cancel the rotation of the Earth. The camera is mounted on a ball head on the upper board and can be aimed at any part of the sky for long time exposures without the stellar objects looking like arcs.

© Per Magnusson
2010-10-15 20:10
Jalbum 8.0